Some people just need a highfive in the face
Some people just need a highfive in the face

some people just need a highfive in the face

Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations, 3rd Edition.

some people just need a highfive in the face some people just need a highfive in the face

You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy. We link primary sources - including studies, scientific references, and statistics - within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. If necessary, they may also prescribe an anticonvulsant, such as sodium valproate or clonazepam. The doctor may suggest controlling their temperature with acetaminophen and ensuring that they drink plenty of fluids. In most cases, a child who has a seizure should see a doctor. In fact, around 30–40% of children who have either type of seizure will have other similar seizures at a later date. This type of febrile seizure lasts longer than 15 minutes, comes back more often, and tends to affect only a part of the body, rather than the whole body.Ĭomplex febrile seizures are more serious than simple febrile seizures.Ī child who has a complex febrile seizure is more likely to experience epilepsy as they grow older. a loss of consciousness while the eyes stay open.It typically involves the whole body, and symptoms include: It does not occur again during a 24-hour period.Īround 80–85% of febrile seizures are of this type. However, it usually lasts less than 5 minutes. This type of febrile seizure can last from a few seconds up to 15 minutes. There are two types of febrile seizure: simple febrile seizures and complex febrile seizures. Seizures can occur when the body temperature rises quickly. Less commonly, they may stem from a more severe illness, such as meningitis, a kidney infection, or pneumonia. These often result from an ear infection, gastroenteritis, or a respiratory virus, and they are not usually serious. These are most likely to occur between the ages of 12 and 18 months. Some people will need to spend time on a ventilator, which is a device that will help them breathe.Ĭhildren with a high temperature may develop a febrile seizure. However, if they develop severe chest pains and have difficulty breathing, they may need hospital treatment. COVID-19Ī person with symptoms of COVID-19 may not need any medical treatment. If they are confused or unconscious, they need immediate medical care. In these cases, it is essential to cool the person down. NSAIDs will not help if the fever is due to hot weather or sustained strenuous exercise. A doctor will not prescribe them for a viral infection. If it stems from a viral infection, the doctor may recommend using NSAIDs to relieve the symptoms.Īntibiotics will not stop a virus. If the fever is due to a bacterial infection, they may prescribe an antibiotic. Treating the causeĪ doctor may wish to carry out tests to identify the cause. In this case, they should consume plenty of fluids to prevent complications. If a person is sweating a lot, they may experience dehydration. NSAIDs and Tylenol are available to purchase over the counter or online. Aspirin can help, but it is not suitable for children, and it may not be suitable for people who take blood thinners. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) can also reduce a fever. However, it can be uncomfortable, and a high fever can sometimes lead to complications.įor this reason, doctors may sometimes recommend medications called antipyretics to lower a person’s temperature.Įxamples include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen. A mild fever is part of the immune system’s response to bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

Some people just need a highfive in the face